Divine Phoenix Books

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Kate D. Mahoney’s Creative Journey

Kate D. Mahoney is no stranger to creativity. As a trained actress and now an Amazon Bestselling author, Kate is inspiring audiences with her wit and wisdom. Recently I shared dialogue with Kate as she inspired me with her creative insight into the writing process, and more about the voice behind the story.

Kate shares,

“I’ve had the opportunity to wear a lot of hats as an actress, writer, counselor, hostess, cancer care giver and survivor and yes, a real life Vatican approved vehicle of a Miracle. Every moment has led me to right now, as I suspect is true for you, whether you’re ready to own that or not.

I hope my stories can serve as a guide for you on your quest to becoming the best version of you. If you’re already perfect, good job!

Welcome to not only my voice but the rediscovering of your own voice.”


About Kate D. Mahoney

Kate is the author of The Misfit Miracle Girl, Candid Reflections and an international speaker who travels the country to share anecdotes from life as patient and caregiver- it’s crisis, but with jazz hands. She is on a mission to inspire audiences across the globe sharing candid reflections and her miracle story.

You can learn more about Kate D. Mahoney at katdmahoney.com and on Facebook

A Story for Everyone  and why her book is a story for everyone

You can read her recent column in Syracuse Woman Magazine

You can pick up a signed copy of Kate’s best-selling book at Barnes and Noble in Dewitt, NY and on Amazon.

Plus, a great gift idea and to help other – A portion of Kate’s book for LIMITED TIME ONLY at Barnes and Noble will help pay it forward where a portion of the book sales will help her high school, Bishop Ludden’s theater department. Use the Book Fair on the flyer.

You can listen to Kate share humor, joy and insight into her creative writing process, on The Writer’s Creative Journey” Thursday December 21st on StitcherSoundCloud and ITunes. Remember to subscribe so you never miss an episode.